- Orders are processed and shipped within 2 business days
- Orders are shipped from our distribution center in West Chazy, NY
- Orders are shipped via FedEx or USPS
- Upon shipment, a tracking number will be sent via email for your reference
- We ship to the 50 US states, US Territories including the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, PO Boxes, Military APO/FPO/DPO addresses. International shipping is currently not available
- Orders without a physical shipping address will not be processed
- Payment must be complete before orders will be processed for shipment
- AMG Medical does not ship on Saturdays, Sundays or National Holidays. Please allow additional time for order processing and shipping
We offer the following shipping methods in each respective location:
Within 48 Contiguous United States:
- Economy (2-9 business days)
- Standard (1-5 business days)
- Expedited (1-3 business days)
Alaska or Hawaii:
- Economy (2-9 business days)
- Standard (1-5 business days)
- Expedited (1-3 business days)
U.S. Territories including the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, PO Boxes, Military APO/FPO/DPO addresses:
- Economy (2-9 business days)
- Standard (1-5 business days)
- Expedited (1-3 business days)